Want to stay informed of DAP events?
Please click here to be added to the mailing list
- Does your alum group need ideas for places to host events?
- Know of any locations in the Denver metro area to have alum events?
- What about spots to NOT have events?
In the Panhellenic spirit,
This information could include as much or as little you know about the location, whether your alum group held an event there, you went to an event of another organization, or you just heard about a place. Please share the knowledge and feedback for other Denver Area Panhellenic groups to use!
Once you enter your ideas, CLICK HERE to access this database to find event locations:
In addition, here is a listing of meeting places put together by the Colorado Nonprofit Association: https://coloradononprofits.org/knowledge/faq/where-can-i-find-affordable-meeting-space-my-nonprofit
College Recruitment Information
If you are in need of recommendations for recruitment,
please click on this link to fill out a
recommendation/reference request form.
If you have further questions, please contact daprecruitmentinfo@gmail.com.
For high school seniors attending college next year and planning to participate in recruitment, DAP has created a resource guide to help answer some of the basic questions regarding this process.